You will find below the terms and conditions of the website, please read them through in full as by continuing to make use of this website it will be deemed that you agree to be bound by each of them.
Firstly I would like to point out that this is a gambling related news and information website, no actual gambling can or will take place on this website, but due to the nature of the site you must be the legal age to gamble to make use of this site.
Also you must be the legal age to gamble in whichever country you are visiting this website from to make use of any of the gambling services offered by any of the third party gambling sites listed, linked into and showcased throughout this website.
Errors and Omissions
The entire team at the Betting Boss website takes great care to ensure all information provided is accurate and free from errors or omissions.
However, we cannot guarantee that any errors or omissions will occur, so please be aware that any and all content found on this website is for information purposes only and you should double check to see if for example any bonus offers we showcase and introduce to you are up to date.
We cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur, and due to the nature of gambling we cannot be held responsible for any losses that you may incur when you are gambling.
Cookies and Privacy Polices
We do also have our own unique cookies and privacy policies in play on the Betting Boss website; you will find links to each of those two sections of this website on each page of the site.
Please do familiarise yourself with them, and also be aware that each third party website we may have links to or mention throughout this website are also going to have their own privacy policies and cookie policies in place on their respective website too.
Bonuses and Promotional Offers
All betting sites and gambling sites in general are going to be offering their newly signed up customers, and their regular customers a range of promotional offers which can take many different forms.
It is important that you understand that every single one of them will come with their own associated terms and conditions, and therefore you should read them through long before you ever claim any of them.
Legally Licensed and Regulated Betting Sites
Due to the very nature of the internet, anybody that is interested in betting or gambling in any way shape or form needs to be aware that not all such sites they come across will be licensed or regulated.
To ensure that we only present to you a range of sites that are going to be offering you a safe and secure betting and gambling experience all those found on this site do hold a full and valid gambling license.
Therefore if at any time you experience a problem when gambling at such sites, and you feel your problem is not being looked into or is hasn’t been rectified to your satisfaction, you should contact the respective gaming authority or gambling commission that licensed that site.
When the Fun Stops Stop
Betting and gambling can be both fun and exciting, and there is of course always the very real chance that you could win when doing so, and win some considerable amounts of cash too.
However, it is also true and very fair to say that it is also possible to lose and lose a considerable amount of money when gambling too.
What every single gambler should therefore be prepared to do before they begin any gambling activities is to put into place their own unique gambling limits, and stick to them.
By doing so you will never spend more money gambling that you have intended, and there are a range of different tools that most betting and gambling sites are going to be offering their customers to ensure they never overspend.
Most betting sites are going to give their customers access to a range of different gambling limit option settings when they log into their accounts, and as such it is going to be a fast and very hassle free process for you to make use of those self imposed gambling limit settings.
Once you make use of those tools as soon as you have reached for example any daily, weekly or month deposit limits you have chosen and set you are not going to be able to continue making deposits.